#ref2017 - Pressemeldungen - alle Kanäle im Überblick

Meldungen von der Generalversammlung der Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen

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Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche zu Leipzig



2017 General Council Schedule
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Pre-Council Activities

Wednesday, 28 June

7:30-8:00: Business Committee


All Day: Registration

9:00-11:45: Women & Youth Pre-Councils: General Council Orientation

12:00-13:30: Youth Gathering, Pre-Councils: Closing Worship

13:30-14:30: Lunch

15:00-16:30: Orientation 1 for participants

16:30-17:00: Introduction of consultants and staff

18:00-20:00: Orientation 2 for participants

Reformed Church (Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche)

18:00-21:15: Meet & Greet hosted by German churches (open invitation)

21:15-21:30: Evening Prayer


9:00-10:45: Youth Gathering

The General Council

Thursday, 29 June: Welcoming the World


7:30-8:00: Business Committee


8:30-10:00: Worship/Bible Study 1, Jeremiah 10:1-10, Hyunju Bae

10:00-11:00: Plenary Session 1: Opening Actions: Seating of delegates, approval of UGC Minutes, adoption of Rules of Order (discernment & consensus procedures)

11:00-12:30: Journey to Leipzig New Town Hall

Town Hall (Neue Rathaus)

12:30-14:00: Reception at New Town Hall, Opening of Reformation Exhibition, Light Lunch

14:00-15:00: Journey to Messe


11:00-12:30: Orientation 3

11:00-14:00: Training of facilitators and scribes

14:00-15:15: Lunch (for participants of Orientation 3, facilitators and scribes)

15:15-16:15: Listening Session 1: Address of the President

16:15-16:30: Words of greeting

  • Gottfried Locher
  • Sunita Suna

16:30-17:00: Tea/Coffee Break

17:00-18:30: Theme Input Session 1: Economic Justice: George Zachariah and Janneke Stegemann

18:30-20:00: Supper

20:00-21:30: Regional Meetings 1 (Africa, AIPPRAL, Asia/Pacific, Canaac, Europe/Middle East – assigned rooms)

21:00-22:00: Committee, drafting team meetings


21:30-23:00: Nomination Committee

Reformed Church (Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche)

22:00-22:15: Evening Prayer (open invitation)

Friday, 30 June: “Living God, you formed us”

St. Nicholas Church (Nikolaikirche)

7:30: All participants must be at St Nicolas Church Yard at 7:30 to pass security (Bring your passport!)

7:30-8:00 Business Committee

7:45: St. Nicholas Church doors open

9:00-10:15: Welcoming Worship

10:15-10:45: Words of Greeting

  • President Steinmeier
  • General Secretary Olav Fykse Tweit (WCC)
  • General Secretary Collin Cowan (CWM)
  • General Secretary Cesar Garcia (MWC)

10:45-11:45: Journey to Messe


11:45-13:30: Listening Session 2: Report of the General Secretary

13:30-15:00: Lunch

15:00-16:30: Theme Input Session 2: Theology: Jürgen Moltmann with Isabella Novsima Sinulingga, Marisa Strizzi and Nadia Marais

16:30-17:15: Listening Session 3: Theology

17:15-18:30: Discernment Session 1: Norms and Values; Theology

18:30-20:00: Supper

20:00-21:30: Regional Meetings 2 (Africa, AIPPRAL, Asia/Pacific, Canaac, Europe/Middle East – assigned rooms)

21:00-22:00: Committee, drafting team meetings


21:30-23:00: Nomination Committee

Luther Church (Lutherkirche, Ferdinand-Lassalle-Straße 25)

20:00-21:00: Concert: “Composers – Messengers of the Reformation” (open invitation)

Reformed Church (Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche)

22:00-22:30: Evening Prayer (open invitation)

Saturday, 1 July: “Living God, help us to discern your will”      


7:30-8:00: Business committee


8:30-9:15: Theme Input Session 3: Justice: Isabel Phiri and Philip Peacock

9:15-10:00: Listening Session 4: Justice

10:00-10:30: Tea/Coffee Break

10:30-11:15: Listening Session 5: Gender Justice

11:15-11:45: Decision Session 1: Reports & Theology

11:45-13:15: Worship/Bible Study 2, Romans 12:1-2, Elsa Tamez

13:15-14:45: Lunch

14:45-15:30: Discernment Session 2: Justice and Gender Justice

15:30-16:00: Tea/Coffee Break

16:00-18:00: Dialogue on Churches and Development

18:00-19:00: Journey into Leipzig

St. Nicholas Church Yard (Nikolaikirchhof)

19:00-22:00: Visit to/showcasing of social art projects (including light supper)


20:00-21:30: Committee, drafting team meetings

Sunday, 2 July: Witnessing to the World

5:30: Journey to Berlin (pick up places to be announced; take your passport!)

9:30-10:15: Worship in Berlin Dom (television broadcast by ZDF)

10:15-11:00: Words of Greeting: Bishop Dröge (MC), Church President Jung, Others

11:00-12:00: Walk to Ministry of Foreign Affairs

12:00-14:00: Reception at Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Programme

14:00-14:30: Light Lunch

14:30-17:30: Historical and Solidarity Visits around Berlin

17:30: Journey to Leipzig, including sandwich supper


20:00-21:30: Nominating Committee

No access to Messe for committee/drafting team meetings!

Monday, 3 July: “Living God, renew us”


7:30-8:00: Business Committee


8:30-10:00: Worship/Bible Study 3: Luke 4:16-21: Mitri Raheb

10:00-10:30: Tea/Coffee Break

10:30-11:00: Plenary Session 3: Nominations

11:00-11:45: Theme Input Session 4: Mission in Communion: Farid Esack and Wesley Granberg-Michaelson

11:45-12:30: Listening Session 6: Mission in Communion

12:30-14:00: Lunch; Special Lunch: Korea

14:00-14:45: Discernment Session 3: Communion in Mission

15:00-15:30: Decision Session 2: Justice and Gender Justice

15:30-16:00: Tea/Coffee Break

16:00-17:00: Journey into Leipzig

St. Nicholas Church (Nikolaikirche)

17:00-18:00: St. Nicholas Church: Peace Prayer

18:00-19:30: Light Supper (Nikolaikirchhof)

19:30-21:00: Leipzig Mission: Reception

St. Thomas Church (Thomaskirche)

21:00-22:00: Organ Concert (open invitation)


20:00-21:30: Committee, drafting team meetings

Tuesday, 4 July: “Living God, reform us”


7:30-8:00: Business Committee


8:30-10:00: Worship/Bible Study 4: Matthew 15:21-28: Elsa Tamez

10:00-10:30: Tea/Coffee Break

10:30-11:00: Plenary Session 4: Nominations

11:00-11:45: Theme Input Session 5: Strengthening Communion: Tinyiko Maluleke

11:45-12:30: Listening Session 7: Strengthening Communion

12:30-14:00: Lunch; Special Lunch: United/Uniting Churches

14:00-14:45: Discernment Session 4: Strengthening Communion

15:00-15:30: Decision Session 3: Mission in Communion

15:30-16:00: Tea/Coffee Break

16:00-16:30: Listening Session 8: Focus on Korea

16:30-17:30: Listening Session 9: Public Witness

17:30-18:30: Supper

18:30-19:30: Journey into Leipzig

St. Nicholas Church (Nikolaikirche)

19:30-21:00: Psalm Concert


20:00-21:30: Committee and drafting team meetings

Wednesday, 5 July: Affirming the Unity of the Church

8:00: Journey to Wittenberg

10:00-12:00: Ecumenical Ceremony: Association to JDDJ, LWF-WCRC Declaration, Thanksgiving

12:00-12:30: Words of Greeting

12:30-13:30: Lunch

13:30-16:30: Visit to the World Exhibition

16:30: Journey to Leipzig


18:30-20:00: Sandwich supper

20:00-21:30: Committee, drafting team meetings

Reformed Church (Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche)

22:00-22:15: Evening Prayer

Thursday, 6 July: “Living God, transform us”


7:30-8:00: Business Committee


8:30-10:00: Worship/Bible Study 5: Commemoration Jan Hus: Acts 2:1-21 & 37-39: Mitri Raheb

10:00-10:30: Tea/Coffee Break

10:30-11:15: Decision Session 4: Strengthening Communion

11:15-12:30: Discernment Session 5: Public Witness

12:30-14:00: Lunch

14:00-15:00: Listening Session 10: Message and Vision; Constitutional Amendments

15:00-15:30: Tea/Coffee Break

15:30-16:45: Discernment Session 6: Message and Vision

16:45-19:00: Plenary Session 5: Elections

19:00-20:00: Supper

20:00-21:30: Committee and drafting team meetings

Reformed Church (Evangelisch Reformierte Kirche)

22:00-22:15: Evening Prayer

Friday, 7 July: Close as a Communion, Departure


7:30-8:00: Business Committee


8:30-9:00: Morning Devotion

9:00-10:00: Decision Session 5: Public Witness

10:00-10:30: Tea/Coffee Break

10:30-11:15: Decision Session 6: Message and Vision, Constitutional Amendments

11:15-13:00: Closing Communion

13:00-14:15: Lunch

18:00-19:00: Supper

Saturday, 8 July: Departure


13:00-14:30: Lunch

18:00-19:00: Supper


Von Marco Hofheinz

Marco Hofheinz

'In Zeiten lauter Propaganda von Faschisten und Demokratiefeinden wachsam sein'

Gemeindekirchenrat der Ev. Paulus-Kirchengemeinde Tempelhof verurteilt Treffen rechtsgesinnter Politiker in Potsdam
In einer Stellungnahme warnt der Gemeindekirchenrat vor vermeintlich "alternativen" Lösungen und ruft zu aktiver politischer Beteiligung auf: "Wir riskieren alles, Freiheit, Wohlstand und Frieden, wenn wir es nicht tun."

Gezeichnet: Der Gemeindekirchenrat der Ev. Paulus-Kirchengemeinde Tempelhof

Wenn Menschen kritiklos folgen

Predigt über Gen. 22, 1 - 14 (Judika), vom 11.4.2011
Von Klaus Vesting

Klaus Vesting

'Ökumene par excellence'

ErK: Ökumenisches Gemeindehaus eröffnet
Die katholische und die evangelisch-reformierte Kirchengemeinde im emsländischen Baccum bei Lingen haben ein gemeinsames ökumenisches Gemeindehaus eröffnet.

Quelle: ErK

Christlicher Glaube heißt Handeln für das soziale Miteinander der Menschen

Vizepräses führt theologischen Vorstand der kreuznacher diakonie ein
Der Vizepräses der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, Christoph Pistorius, hat am Samstag Pfarrer Christian Schucht als theologischen Vorstand der kreuznacher diakonie in sein Amt eingeführt. In seiner Ansprache in der Diakoniekirche in Bad Kreuznach betonte Pistorius die Bedeutung des Dienens und der Nächstenliebe in der modernen Gesellschaft.

Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland