Moderator der Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) für Abgabe eines ökumenischen Zehnten

Spende der PCK an den Reformierten Weltbund als Johannes Calvin Geburtstagsgeschenk

The Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) has told members of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) that he believes churches should be motivated to engage in a movement for ''ecumenical tithing''.

Referring to the Christian tradition of church members giving ten percent of their earnings to the church, Sam Hwan Kim says, “It’s a matter of putting one’s money where one’s faith is.”

Kim issued his call for member churches to express a “spirit of ecumenical tithing” in their giving during an address delivered in Geneva on 30 May at a WARC-sponsored seminar on the impact today of the early Reformation leader, John Calvin.

“Churches should be encouraged not to merely give what is left over after having cared for their own priority first, but to respect the significance and meaning of the ecumenism and first commit their resources to the ecumenical movement,” Kim says.

The Korean pastor and church leader was speaking to WARC’s Executive Committee and a group of 73 Reformed church Christians from more than 20 countries. They were in Geneva to participate in celebrations of the 500th anniversary of the birth of John Calvin.

Kim was accompanied in Geneva by the general secretary of PCK, Seong Gi Cho, and a group of church pastors and elders.

He leads the largest Presbyterian church in Korea, is committed to faithfully carrying out God’s mission in Korea and beyond and making a difference in society. He believes his church is financially strong because of its practice of tithing.

“It is not because Korea as a nation is economically strong,” says Kim.

In a gesture affirming PCK’s commitment to ecumenism, Kim presented WARC with a financial contribution in the form of a “John Calvin Birthday Gift” on behalf of Myung Sung Presbyterian Church of Seoul, Korea where he is the senior pastor.

WARC’s general secretary, Setri Nyomi, in acknowledging the gift and the large presence of Koreans at the seminar said, “WARC is grateful for the active participation of the PCK and the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK). The energy, commitment and ideas of Korean churches in support of God’s mission in the world and ecumenism give fresh hope and impetus both to WARC and the broader ecumenical movement.”

Twenty-five percent of Koreans are Christian. Of these 60% belong to Presbyterian churches. PCK and PROK who participated in the Calvin jubilee celebrations in Geneva, are two of four WARC member churches in Korea.

WARC represents 75 million Christians through its 213 member churches in 107 countries. Two-thirds of its members are in the Global South. The organization is known for its advocacy for economic and social justice and environmental protection. In June 2010 it will merge with the Reformed Ecumenical Council to form the World Communion of Reformed Churches.

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