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WCRC Executive Committee to Select New General Secretary
30 Members from around the World Meeting in Hannover
A search committee will present their recommended candidate to the Executive Committee on Tuesday, 13 May. If the candidate is elected, an installation service for the new general secretary will take place on Sunday, 18 May, at 10:00 a.m. in the Reformed Church in Hannover. Setri Nyomi, current general secretary, will be concluding his second and final term this summer.
Other highlights of the Executive Committee meeting include:
Sunday, 11 May: Executive Committee members will participate in worship services in the area, including Hannover, Celle, Hamburg, Rintein, Braunschweig, Leer, Larrelt and Loppersum.
Monday, 12 May: The Executive Committee will meet with representatives of the Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland in the EKD offices, learning about the mission and challenges of German churches. Members will also hear reports from the WCRC president and general secretary.
Executive Committee members will also address several issues, including:
“The State of the Communion” provides an interim report on how the WCRC is functioning as a communion of Reformed denominations.
The location, timing and theme of the next General Council will be discussed and decided.
The final report of the Reformed-Lutheran dialogue will be presented with recommendations for discussion.
An update on the continuing commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Accra Confession will be made. Consultations are happening around the world to re-engage in this prophetic statement.
The Executive Committee is the WCRC’s governing board and meets annually. It is composed of 30 members from around the world.
Almost all meetings of the WCRC Executive Committee are open to the public and will take place in the Hanns-Lilje House.
For a schedule, access to the meetings or other information please contact Philip Tanis, executive secretary for communications:
Email: pta@wcrc.eu
Tel: +49 511 8973 1682
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